General class all levels:  Friday mornings 11-12 noon – Christ Church Hall, Prince Edwards Road, Lewes BN7 1BL

Chair-supported class (a mix of standing and seated practice):  Tuesday afternoons: 2.30pm – 3.30pm Cliffe Hall, Cliffe High Street, Lewes BN7 2AH

Individual tuition/yoga therapy by arrangement at a small studio in the Nevill area of Lewes or at the Open Door Clinic (behind School Hill).

Email Kathryn for more information:

or use Contact page on this website.

“The first step in our yoga practice is to consciously link breath and body.  We do this by allowing every movement to be led by the breath as we practice the asana (postures).  The correct linking of breath and movement is the basis for the whole asana practice.”    TKV Desikachar

Linking our breath with our movement, the practice is matched to each individual’s own rhythm and helps to maintain and improve concentration,  flexibility, strength and promotes relaxation.